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You only need to click 'Book now' to go to this subscription provider's specific car listing. This is where you can sign up and book this vehicle.
This car is also available via salary sacrifice, saving you 30-60% of the monthly subscription cost. See our comprehensive EV salary sacrifice scheme guide.
The signup process is quick and easy, and can all be done online. New customers usually go through these steps:
The service is flexible with just 30 days’ notice required to upgrade, pause, or cancel a subscription.
By assessing your past credit history, subscription providers want to see if you can afford your monthly payments.
Most subscription services carry out a 'soft' credit search to confirm your identity, which won't have a negative impact on your credit score or history.
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If you're switching to an electric car, you probably want to ensure you have the best possible home electricity tariff.
Octopus Energy have a variety of tariffs which allow for cheaper charging at night at a low rate of just 10p per kWh. Click on the link, enter your postcode and get a quote!
With Motorway you can sell any make or model in as little as 24 hours - 5,000 dealers compete to buy your car for the best price.
Sell your car now >Uh oh! You can't compare more than 3 cars at a time.
Your car subscription will be automatically renewed for another month with the same terms and conditions. Please note that most providers require a month's notice if you want to cancel.
In addition to the subscription fees, the only expenses you are responsible for are fuel, any fines, and the insurance excess if you're involved in an accident.
Each provider has their own system of logging servicing and maintenance. You must contact your subscription provider, who will organise everything for you.
Yes, every subscription provider allows adding an additional driver for a small fee.
A monthly subscription might be ideal for you if you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest electric and non-electric cars while retaining flexibility.
With a fixed monthly fee, you'll have access to everything you need to run a car (e.g. maintenance, servicing, insurance). You can select the car that best suits your needs and the mileage that matches your requirements.
You can change your car or cancel your subscription anytime, with usually just a month's notice.
Car specifications
The car data displayed in this page is based on information available for this specific model. It comes from the subscription service directly. It may not be the exact data for the actual vehicle being offered for subscription. We recommend you check the vehicle details with the subscription service before you subscribe. To confirm this vehicle is ULEZ compliant, visit tfl.gov.uk. Photos of the car are provided by the subscription provider and/or taken from the official car manufacturer's, publicly available press photos.
Subscriptions benefits and add-ons
The cost of the vehicle, its availability and exact benefits and subscription add-ons depend on the subscription provider. You should always check the subscription company website for the latest subscription membership cost and terms and conditions. The provider review featured on this page is based on customer reviews available on external websites, such as TrustPilot.
Vehicle availability and booking
We do our best to surface the latest cars but you should always enquire with the subscription provider before subscribing and booking a car. You may be required to create an account with your chosen provider, and be required to pass an affordability check.
*We’ve partnered with CheckMyFile to provide our website visitors with quick and easy access to their credit reports. You can sign up for free and get a 30-day free trial which you can cancel online anytime. If you decide to stay after the trial, the monthly subscription costs £14.99. The links are affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchase made through these links, at no additional cost to you. Learn more about CheckMyFile.
CarSloth.com introduces customers to www.motorway.co.uk, a website operated by Motorway Online Ltd. CarSloth.com's relationship with Motorway Online Ltd is limited to that of a business partnership, no common ownership or control rights exist between us. Please note, we cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites and by using the links stated to access these separate websites you will be subject to the terms of use applying to those sites. Learn more about Motorway.