A black tesla car available for car subscription parked in a parking lot.

3 reasons to drive a Tesla on subscription

Thinking of buying a Tesla? It’s a big investment to make. Could a subscription be the answer?
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Thinking of buying a Tesla? It’s a big investment to make. Electric car subscriptions allow you to test drive a Tesla for as long as you like before you take the plunge — or simply take one of the world’s most innovative cars for a spin.

Driving a Tesla on subscription is better for your wallet and the environment — and it makes driving a whole lot easier, too. See why you should drive a Tesla on subscription below.

1. Electric cars are better for the environment

There’s a pervasive electric car myth that driving an EV doesn’t actually help the environment — but this isn’t true. In reality, driving a Tesla (or any other electric car) is much more eco-friendly than driving a non-EV. The Tesla Roadster’s emissions are less than a third of the average wheel-to-well emissions of 5 other non-EV and hybrid vehicles.

Electric cars are more energy efficient, and have already reduced greenhouse gas emissions by up to 41%. And while production of EVs can create more emissions than non-EVs, these are almost always offset by lower operating emissions.

2. It’s cheaper to subscribe

Teslas are among the most prestigious cars on the market today. Buying a brand new Tesla Model 3 in November 2022 will set you back £48,490 — and that’s just the basic model. If you want any upgrades, the cost quickly ramps up. Getting a Tesla on finance can help spread the cost, but often means you’ll ultimately pay more for the car.

Car subscriptions are different. You pay monthly to use the car for as long as you like. When you no longer want to drive it, you can usually cancel with just 1 month’s notice. It’s an affordable, commitment-free way to drive a Tesla. Plus, all the extra costs — like insurance, servicing, and maintenance — are included, so you won’t need to spend anything more than this single monthly payment.

Elmo currently offers a Tesla Model 3 on subscription for £1199 per month. At this price, you’ll need to drive the car for 41 months (almost 3.5 years!) before you’ve paid the same amount as buying the car outright.

3. Take the hassle out of driving

Even the biggest car enthusiasts admit that when something goes wrong with their car, it can be a pain to get it fixed. This is especially true when you’re dealing with newer technology. With a car subscription, all the headaches — like servicing, MOT, maintenance, and admin — are taken care of for you.

You won’t need to haggle over prices, worry about getting on with the car, or think carefully about the financial impact of tying yourself into a long-term contract. Because car subscriptions can be cancelled at short notice, you’ll have total control over the car you drive. So you can take a Tesla for a test drive for as long as you like — without the hassle.

Want to know more about electric car subscriptions? Here are some in-depth guides you might find useful:

Browse all cars available on subscription

There are hundreds of cars available via UK subscription companies.

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