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How to cancel your car subscription

Learn how cancellation works when you subscribe to a car.
X min
  • Cancellation policies differ depending on whether you’re on a rolling or fixed-term car subscription contract.
  • For most major UK providers, you’ll need to give anywhere from 7 days’ to 3 months’ notice to cancel your car subscription.
  • Some UK providers offer free cancellation, while others charge a fee if you cancel before the end of your contract. You may also need to pay collection fees, excess mileage and damage charges.
  • Make sure you know the terms of your cancellation policy before you sign your contract.
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Car subscriptions are the new flexible way to drive. With short-term leasing and car switching options available, a car subscription allows you to drive the car you want as much as you need to — without paying extra for upkeep, servicing or insurance.

But like with many subscription services, there are usually strings attached. This is especially true when it comes to cancelling your car subscription. Cancellation fees, notice periods and car collection are all things you should consider before you subscribe, so you’re not hit with any unexpected surprises if you need to cancel further down the line.

Find out everything you need to know about cancelling your car subscription service in this comprehensive guide.

Reasons for cancelling your car subscription

There are lots of reasons you might want to cancel your car subscription service. You might find that you want a more permanent driving solution, the subscription you’ve selected is too expensive, or you’re just not getting along with the car.

Many car subscription services allow you to change or cancel your subscription for any reason. However, if you don’t give enough notice or you cancel mid-contract, you might be subject to cancellation fees.

How much notice do you need to give to cancel your car subscription?

The amount of cancellation notice you need to give depends on your car subscription provider’s terms. Some providers will let you cancel with just 7 days’ notice, while others require up to 3 months’.

However, all providers are required to offer a 14-day cooling off period after you sign up. This allows you to cancel your subscription — with a full refund and no questions asked — within the first 14 days. Take advantage of this time to get to know the car, so if you need to cancel you can do so without incurring charges.

It’s important to note that your 14-day cooling off period usually starts from the date you sign up — not the date the car arrives. Ask your provider to confirm when your cooling off period will end, and what their cancellation notice policy is if the car arrives outside this 14-day window.

Is there a fee for cancelling your car subscription?

After the 14 day cooling off period, your car subscription is subject to the cancellation policy of your individual supplier.

In some cases you’ll be required to pay a cancellation fee if you decide to cancel before your contract is up. This usually happens if you’re on a fixed term contract for a longer period, such as a 6, 12, or 36-month contract.

However, if you’re on a short-term or rolling monthly contract, you can usually cancel without penalties — provided you give enough notice.

You may also be subject to fees for damage, cleaning, excess mileage, and excessive wear and tear that apply at the end of your contract.

How to return a car when you cancel your car subscription

All major UK car subscription providers will collect your car when you cancel your contract. When they collect it, they’ll inspect your car for damage. Most providers make allowances for fair wear and tear, but you should make sure the car is clean and undamaged when you return it.

Can you cancel a fixed-term car subscription?

Not all providers allow you to cancel your subscription in the middle of a fixed-term contract. Others will allow you to cancel for a fee.

Make sure you know exactly what the terms of your subscription are before you sign up, so you know when you can cancel and how much it will cost.

How to cancel your car subscription

Most providers expect you to confirm you want to cancel your car subscription through your account dashboard, live chat, email or phone call, email. Which is handy if you want a hassle-free cancellation process.

How cancellation works with major UK car subscription providers

Each car subscription provider has a different cancellation policy. Find out how flexible your provider’s cancellation policy is in this comprehensive guide.


Karzoom powers car subscriptions with franchised dealers around the UK, including Hendy, Perrys, and Brayleys. Their cancellation policy offers fee-free cancellation within 14 days (your cooling-off period), or for a fee of £15 if you cancel after 14 days but before your rental period starts.

If you cancel less than 14 days before your rental period is due to start, you’ll be charged for one month’s subscription, plus fees for any optional services you’ve subscribed to.

Cancelling during your rental period will incur additional costs. You’ll need to pay for the remainder of the current rental period, plus one month’s notice and your selected optional services for the remaining rental period.

When you’ve cancelled your agreement, make sure to arrange for car collection or drop-off with no less than 5 days’ notice.


EZOO specialises in providing electric cars on subscription. So if you’re trialling an EV and it’s not for you, it’s important to know about EZOO’s cancellation policy.

When you’ve informed EZOO that you want to cancel your car subscription, the agreement will end either 30 days after you give notice of cancellation, or at the end of your hire agreement — whichever is sooner. There’s no fee to cancel, although if you’re giving 30 days’ notice you’ll need to pay for the additional month of use.


All of Evogo’s car subscriptions run for 89 days. When you reach the end of your 89-day contract, you can choose to renew or cancel.

At first glance, Evogo appears to have no cancellation fees — but this seemingly simple model is a little stricter than it first appears. No matter when you notify them you’d like to cancel, your subscription will run until the end of the 89-day contract. 

Whether this model works for you depends on your circumstances. If you know early on that the car isn’t for you, you’ll still have to pay for the remainder of the 3 month subscription. However, it also means you effectively don’t have to give any notice — you can cancel right at the end of your contract and you won’t pay any penalties.

Car collection is charged by distance (80p per mile each way). If you want to cancel your subscription before the car arrives, give them at least 48 hours’ notice to avoid charges.


Pivotal is Jaguar Land Rover’s car subscription service. Pivotal is more like a membership than a subscription. You’ll pay a joining fee to sign up, then you can choose to use, pause, or cancel your subscription.

Pause your subscription by sending a Pause Request Form via email. If you pause your subscription within the first 90 days, you will still be charged for this time. After this 3-month commitment, you can pause your subscription with 14 days’ notice. 

Pausing your subscription with Pivotal is slightly different to cancelling. If you cancel, they’ll delete all your personal data — so if you choose to rejoin at a later date, you’ll have to pay the joining fee again.

If you cancel your subscription less than 2 days before the car arrives, you will be charged £295.

Care by Volvo

Volvo’s in-house car subscription service, Care by Volvo, has one of the strictest cancellation policies of all the major UK providers.

Their standard cancellation notice period is 3 months — so you’ll need to know well in advance if you want to cancel. You can notify them you’d like to cancel by phone or email, and they’ll collect your car at a time that suits you.

However, this notice period doesn’t apply to fixed-term subscriptions. In fact, their 36-month subscription can’t be cancelled early. No matter what, you’re in it for the long haul — so if you decide to subscribe with Care by Volvo, make sure you know what your cancellation options are.


Flexed provides many of its car subscriptions on a 28-day rolling contract, as well as some fixed-term contracts.

For those on a 28-day rolling contract, Flexed offers one of the most flexible cancellation policies. After an initial 28-day period, you don’t need to give any notice to cancel your subscription. In fact, they’ll even refund any unused days you’ve paid for if you decide to cancel in the middle of the month.

Fixed-term subscriptions aren’t quite as flexible. You’ll pay an unspecified cancellation fee if you stop a fixed-term contract early, in addition to a car collection fee. The car collection fee applies to all cancellations. To cancel your subscription, you can email Flexed’s customer service team.


Wagonex works slightly differently to other providers in that they don’t provide cars from their own fleet. Instead, they partner with dealerships to offer car subscriptions on a variety of terms.

Rolling monthly car subscriptions can be cancelled at any time — there’s no notice period up until the end of each month. Car collection is included up to 50 miles.

If you’re on a long-term plan, you’ll need to refer to your contract to see which cancellation fees and notice periods apply to you. Because Wagonex works with a range of suppliers, each contract is a little different, so make sure to study yours carefully before you sign it.

Major car subscription provider cancellation policies compared

Provider How to cancel Free cancellation notice period Fixed-term contract early cancellation fees** Return method
Onto Via website or app 7 days N/A Collection (£129.50 fee)
elmo drive Phone or email 30 days N/A Collection (fees apply)
EZOO Email 30 days N/A Collection (fees apply) or drop-off
Evogo Phone or email Variable N/A Collection (80p fee per mile)
Pivotal Send pause request form 14 days N/A Collection
Care by Volvo Phone or email 3 months* Unspecified fee applies Collection
Flexed Email 0 days* Unspecified fee applies Collection (fees apply)
Wagonex Email 0 days* Variable Collection (incl. up to 50 miles)
Karzoom Email or via website Variable Variable Collection (fees apply)

*Does not apply to fixed-term contracts. **Excludes wear and tear, excess mileage, damage, car collection fees and penalties.

Compare car subscription providers to find your next car

Car Sloth makes it easier for you to choose the right car subscription provider. We’ve compared every major provider on cost, benefits, and driver requirements so you can select the best company and car for you. Find out more about these car subscription companies here.

Browse all cars available on subscription

There are hundreds of cars available via UK subscription companies.

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