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Can you negotiate a better deal on your car subscription?

If haggling isn’t your thing, subscribing to a car may be for you.
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One of the benefits of subscribing to a car instead of buying or leasing one is that it offers a more flexible and customisable driving experience. 

Our team is often asked if monthly subscription prices are negotiable, so we wrote this short article to clear things up!

The short answer is: no. Haggling over the price of a vehicle subscription is not a thing. All subscription providers have set pricing and terms that cannot be negotiated. 

This is a big plus for getting a car online - subscriptions eliminate the need for haggling. It can be stressful and time-consuming for many people, and it can be difficult to know if you are getting a fair price. 

Other benefits

With monthly car subscriptions, the monthly price is usually fixed, and there is no need to haggle. This can save you time and stress and allow you to focus on finding the right vehicle for your needs.

The other benefits of doing everything online are you can shop for a vehicle from the comfort of your home and easily compare prices and subscription packages from different companies. 

Overall, car subscriptions offer a convenient and stress-free way to own a car without the need for haggling or negotiating. 

A subscription is an excellent option for those who prefer to avoid the traditional car-buying process and do their research and shopping online.

Want to learn more about the perks of car subscription? Read our in-depth guides for more information:

Browse all cars available on subscription

There are hundreds of cars available via UK subscription companies.

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