An old red car parked in front of a white house.

Can you part exchange for a subscription car?

Let's see if you can part-exchange your old car towards a subscription.
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Subscriptions are gaining popularity as more consumers look for flexible and hassle-free ways to own a vehicle. But chances are you have an old motor you want to get rid of. Plus, this question came up in a conversation with a friend so we decided to cover it here.

The answer is "no" - you can't give your old car to a subscription provider. Unfortunately, subscriptions are more like renting than car finance, so you can't use the equity of your vehicle towards your subscription contract. 

Stay here to learn more about part exchanging (it may be introduced in the future, so it's worth understanding how it works!)

What is part exchange?

Part exchanging a vehicle refers to trading in your old car when purchasing a new one. The dealership will assess the value of your current car and offer you a trade-in value that can be used towards the purchase of a new one.

It's a convenient way to get rid of your old car without having to go through the hassle of selling it privately. However, it's worth noting that dealerships will often offer you less than the market value of your car.

If you decide to switch to a monthly car subscription, it's always a good idea to shop around and compare prices to ensure you're getting the best deal possible. 

This is a short read, so be sure to read our in-depth guides:

Happy car hunting!

Browse all cars available on subscription

There are hundreds of cars available via UK subscription companies.

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